[Star Trek – Spock/Kirk] spicyshimmy – The Marrying Kind

Title: The Marrying Kind
Author: spicyshimmy
Rating: R || Status: Complete
Summary: While on a diplomatic mission to Delta IV, Jim flirts too much; Spock discovers the only logical solution to avoid the complications of jealousy between ambassadors is to allow the inference that Jim is already spoken for; Bones gets stuck moving roses for the happy couple. Or something like that. ‘I’m still waiting for him to wake up one morning and decide he’s got to put us all in stasis and store our bodies in hollowed out torpedoes,’ the doctor said.


The summary and the tag of fake marriage had me clicking this so hard, you don’t even know, LOLOLOL. I thoroughly enjoyed this, even though there were moments where I was getting secondhand embarrassment because Jim is just so Jim. I loved the dynamic between Spock and Jim in this and how Jim just goes along with the whole in-a-relationship/engaged thing. The only thing that bothered me was that I wasn’t sure about where Spock and Uhura stood with each other. Maybe I missed it or something, but I was kinda worried the whole time because I don’t like it when fics just dismiss her entirely just for Spock/Kirk, so I wish this was more explicit in explaining their relationship and whether they were still in a relationship (which I hope not, based on how things went down in this fic).

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Rating: 8.0/10 (3 votes cast)
[Star Trek - Spock/Kirk] spicyshimmy - The Marrying Kind, 8.0 out of 10 based on 3 ratings
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    • fanfictionato
    • December 5th, 2013

    I did not intend to give this fic 4/10 stars. Unfortunately my mouse slipped. I have not actually read this one yet, but i am sure it will be glorious. So please don’t let the low rating deter you from checking it out.

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