[TSN – Gen] ceridweyn_lyn – Untitled Multimedia Fic
Title: Untitled Multimedia Fic
Author: ceridweyn_lyn
Rating: G || Status: Complete
Summary: In which Dustin, Mark, and Eduardo send notes to each other.
Title: Untitled Multimedia Fic
Author: ceridweyn_lyn
Rating: G || Status: Complete
Summary: In which Dustin, Mark, and Eduardo send notes to each other.
Title: 5 Times Mark Dickpunched a Guy, +1 Time That Was a Complete Accident
Author: Anonymous
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Five times girl!Mark dickpunched a guy…
Kink Meme
Title: How to Make a Second Chance
Author: BlackEyedGirl
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Mark goes to sleep in Palo Alto in 2007, and wakes up in Harvard in 2004. Meanwhile, Eduardo is in Palo Alto dealing with a Mark who seems to have forgotten more than just today’s shareholder meeting. Both of them are wondering how many words it would take to change what happened next.
Title: Doors Always Open
Author: BlackEyedGirl
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: For the prompt: Dustin, Mark and Chris inadvertently teach Eduardo what it’s like to have a normal family. For given values of normal.
Title: How to Quit Your Job an Cause a Big Uproar
Author: alexthegreat
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: (310): I just googled how to quit your job and cause a big uproar at the same time….i tell you how tomorrow goes, i’m so excited….
Title: I Think It’s a Ditch
Author: thisissirius
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: (401): This is a mass text. Does anyone know where I am?
Title: All For One
Author: alexthegreat
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Four time they took care of each other.
Title: Supervillain/Hostage AU
Author: alexthegreat
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: The one where Mark is a supervillain and always takes Eduardo hostage.
Title: Act Your Age
Author: alexthegreat
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: Mark turns into a three year old.
Title: Harry Potter and The Privacy Menace
Author: kinnoth
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: For prompt: Slytherin!Mark, Hufflepuff!Eduardo, Gryffindor!Dustin, Ravenclaw!Chris
Harry Potter and The Privacy Menace
Title: It’s Such a Shame For Us to Part (When You Lose Something You Cannot Replace)
Author: gdgdbaby
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Alternate reality in which eduardo leaves the company before mark has a chance to cheat him out of it and dustin plays a Bigger Role.
It’s Such a Shame For Us to Part (When You Lose Something You Cannot Replace)
Title: Locks on the Wardrobe Doors
Author: BlackEyedGirl
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: Five items of clothing Mark steals from Eduardo, and one that Eduardo steals from Mark.
Locks on the Wardrobe Doors
Title: When in Doubt
Author: BlackEyedGirl
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: Desperate times call for desperate measures. Mark has kept them in the office for five days – Chris and Dustin have had enough.
Title: Objects in Motion
Author: alexthegreat
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Mark gets a curious email on his birthday.
Objects in Motion
Title: It’s a Four-Step Process
Author: vaginal_parfait
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: In the end, it’s just Eduardo and Mark; a frayed rope that stretches between a million friends and a billion dollars.
It’s a Four-Step Process
Title: Get Well Soon
Author: grim_lupine
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Three years later and Mark gets drunk and apologizes. Sort of. Eventually.
Get Well Soon
Title: The One Where Jesse Actually Goes Shopping
Author: gdgdbaby
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Jesse is wholly unprepared on Friday morning to open the door at ass o’clock and see Andrew standing there, overnight bag slung over his shoulder and looking all too composed for the day after Thanksgiving.
Title: And Everything Starts Today
Author: addandsubtract
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: Mark and Eduardo meeting for the first time.
And Everything Starts Today
Title: Facebook Stalking
Author: pailette
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: For prompt: After the settlement, Mark sort-of stalks Eduardo on Facebook (and possibly just stalks him on the Internet, in general — but only in a just-checking-up-on-him sort of way rather than an I-am-a-totally-creeper sort of way), and possibly changes Eduardo’s relationship status (because Eduardo is kind of Facebook-inept) from “single” to being “in a relationship” to deter other people from hitting on Eduardo.
Facebook Stalking
Title: How Quivering and Fierce We Were
Author: addandsubtract
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Cyberpunk au. Mark’s a hacker, Eduardo is – not.