[Greek – Cappie/Casey/Evan] allthespoons – The Unfinished Ones
Title: The Unfinished Ones
Author: allthespoons
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
When Cappie wakes up on Monday morning, Casey’s staring at him, and he almost falls out of bed. “Casey! Jesus.”
“You were making weird noises,” Casey says, and he automatically reaches down to check the state of his dick, but she shakes her head. “Trust me, not sexy noises. Like you were having a bad dream.”
“I was having a dream-” Cappie shakes his head, trying to collect his thoughts. He still feels stuck halfway between dreaming and being awake, and everything seems hazy. “I had a dream that I told Evan about us, and then he set up a prank that got Wade, Jeremy, and Ferret expelled.”
Casey looks at him strangely. “Evan got your brothers expelled because you told him we were dating again?”
“Yeah, and- and I had to pretend to laugh at all his bad jokes. It was traumatizing.”