Title: (You Are) So Much More Like Spider-Man
Author: Anonymous
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
For prompt: So Andrew is playing Spiderman in his new film. The thing is, it’s not based on a comic, so much as it’s based on a New York based superhero. A hero that’s saved Jesse, more than once, and one that Jesse may or may not have a crush on. Who may or may not have kissed him as they swung over the streets of NY.
After shooting TSN Jesse may have some feelings for Andrew, because Andrew’s just awesome and how could Jesse not fall for him. Now he’s stuck between Spiderman, who is you know…Spiderman, and Andrew, who is just so sweet and fantastic. What Jesse doesn’t know is that Andrew is Spiderman (he auditioned for the movie as a joke and was surprised he actually got the part) and he’s head over web-shooters in love with Jesse.
Kink Meme
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