Title: Break the Sky
Author: akire_yta
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Mike Carden is a student without a scholarship who needs to find a way to fund his studies, fast. When William suggests Mike try out for the coed cheerleading squad, the Northeastern University Cobras, Mike mans up and lands his first sober back tuck in years. Kevin Jonas and Nic Anderson are two star college cheerleaders who have transferred to the Cobras after a mysterious scandal had them leaving their last school right before the National competition they were a shoo-in to win. Mike may have only scraped his way onto the team by the skin of his teeth, but with Kevin as his room mate, maybe he can master the stag tuck, the pom-pom wielding, and the insults from every other athlete department on campus. And maybe Kevin can learn how to be a real boy (who likes boys) beyond the limits of the life he left behind. [Hellcats/college cheerleading AU]
LJ Master Post | AO3
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