Title: Training Kakashi
Author: Reika
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: Over the time skip, Kakashi gained more than just the Mangekyo Sharingan. Or, Jounin, and the stupid Chuunin who love them.
Title: In Bond and Blood
Author: The Hoyden
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: “I want to make Naruto my heir,” Kakashi said bluntly.
Title: La Luna de Miel
Author: The Hoyden
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: It started fairly innocuously. Kakashi had a mission that day, and since he was actually up and about, he walked Iruka to the Academy.
La Luna de Miel
Title: Spies Like Us
Author: The Hoyden
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: All things were not possible, it was true, but suddenly, Iruka knew that this was.
Title: Opening the Roads
Author: The Hoyden
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: He was a chuunin academy teacher, not a courtier trained in statecraft and diplomacy.
Title: The Wheat-Sower
Author: The Hoyden
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: A shinobi can sense the chakra of enemies, and more than that, the movement of the world around them.
Title: Table Scraps
Author: The Hoyden
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: He’s making different excuses now, and all to get back into Iruka’s apartment, and more specifically, his kitchen.
Title: Custom
Author: The Hoyden
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: He does not know this man, but he has been waiting for him, ever since he lit the candles in his window that evening.
Title: How to File Form 39-B
Author: The Hoyden
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
“You are looking well, Iruka-sensei,” he said. “Although, if I may say, you look pretty good when you’re in bed and out of your mind, too.” He raised one hand in a wave and strolled out.
Title: As Plain As
Author: The Hoyden
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Kakashi is like a stray cat, and Iruka knows damn well that he shouldn’t feed Kakashi if he doesn’t want Kakashi to keep coming around. Sometimes he makes up his mind when he’s alone in bed — I’m not going to do this anymore — but then Kakashi turns up on his doorstep again, and Iruka forgets his careful list of reasons why this is still a completely stupid idea, and feeds Kakashi and lets Kakashi fuck him into the next week.
Title: The Kakashi Mission
Author: JBMcDragon
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
…They sat in silence for a while. Iruka sipped tea, watching people walk past the little building. Kakashi’s eye was closed, his hands linked behind his head and making a worse mess of his hair than it already was. A child skipped by, kicking up dust. It spread lazily through the air.
“Gai’s pretty sure you have a crush on me,” Kakashi said.
Iruka coughed his tea all over the porch. “Gai thinks Inuzuka Kiba has a crush on Akamaru, so his opinion isn’t necessarily the most authoritative,” he snapped.
He could feel Kakashi looking at him again, as he mopped up spat tea. “Or, there’s something going on with the Inuzuka clan that’s verrrrry interesting.”
Complete Listing @ McDragon’s Lair