Title: All Bets In
Author: imogenedisease
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: Two side-lined All-Stars, and a bet or five.
Title: We’re Filthy and You’re Convenient
Author: derryderrydown
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: “I better get laid,” Ovi says. “So far, this threesome is crappy.”
“You’ll get laid,” Sid says, and he’s opening Geno’s top drawer as he speaks, the one where Geno keeps his condoms and lube. Sid tosses a condom to Ovi, one of the flavoured ones. “Put it on.”
(Sequel to I’m Filthy and You’re Gorgeous)
Title: I’m Filthy and You’re Gorgeous
Author: derryderrydown
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: The thing is, Sid’s filthy.
Or he’s pretty sure he would be, if somebody would just give him a chance to be filthy.