Title: Five emotions Ryan Nugent-Hopkins didn’t expect to feel the year he made the NHL
Author: athenejen
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: In which Ryan Nugent-Hopkins spends a lot of time hanging out with Taylor Hall and Jordan Eberle, thinking too much and having far too many feelings.
Title: Rumor Has It
Author: unperfectwolf
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: For a while, Ryan was just the third wheel in the Hallsy and Ebs show. But, somewhere in the middle of their lockout-shortened season, that all changed. Ryan isn’t sure when it changed–probably about the same time the team stopped teasing him about it, and started getting concerned he was trying to break the two of them up. But when Ryan brings it up, he finds out he might be the only one of them who thought they’d all become more than just friends, and he’s not sure how to come back from that.