Title: Of Video Games and Religion
Author: black_goose
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Who’d have thought that video games could lead to this?
Title: Innocent Jests
Author: xdespondence
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: And although eunhyuk never had firsthand experience, he could easily say that donghae did not kiss like a rock.
Title: 1 + 1 = Potential Fun
Author: xdespondence
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Donghae is a firm believer that porn, generally speaking, is pretty healthy.
Title: Coffee
Author: halcyon_morn
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: Hyukjae decides on a café in Itaewon for their meeting. He hates coffee, and the American soldiers that frequent the area, all buzz cuts and swagger, make him uneasy, but he thinks his choice sends the right message: that he is mature, sophisticated, and, most important of all, experienced.
Title: The Cure for Lesbian Bed Death
Author: halcyon_morn
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: Hyukjae remembers when showers with Donghae meant hot, wet kisses under the spray, the slick slide of soapy hands over soapy skin and blowjobs deliciously slow enough to last until the hot water ran out. Now they mean mutual back-washing and an extra five minutes of sleep as they rest their heads on each others’ shoulders and doze in the warmth.
Title: Of Stolen T-Shirts and Missing Halves
Author: panpipe
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: It takes a trillion million miles for Donghae to realize what he likes best about Super Junior. (Remix of A Trillion Miles, which is from Eunhyuk’s POV)
Title: A Trillion Miles
Author: parthenope_sing
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: China and Korea are very far away from each other. (Remix with Donghae’s POV: Of Stolen T-Shirts and Missing Halves)