Site News

September 24, 2011:
Reorganizing the tags, so if things weren’t working earlier, it was because of that. Everything should be good now, though! If anything’s broken, just let me know!

September 17, 2011:
Rearranged the category organization a bit to better reflect my current interests. =)

March 21, 2011:
I’ve wiped my old WP install and I’ve cleaned up the database, so there shouldn’t be any more spam! Please let me know if I missed anything or if there are any broken links! Other than that, I’ll probably start posting my backlog of recs starting tomorrow. =)

February 01, 2011:
So this site has been hit with one of those spam injection attacks (or whatever they’re called) and I’ll do my best to fix it, but I’m not the most tech-savvy, so if anyone knows the best way to get rid of the spam links in all the posts affected (which seems to be a lot), please tell me! Otherwise, I will do my best to edit out the spam in the posts, but it’ll take a while since this is a pretty busy quarter (school-wise) for me.

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