Title: Akiko’s Scrapbook
Author: trixie_chick
Rating: G || Status: Complete
Summary: something to remember by…
Title: An Approach to Tsumego
Author: trixie_chick
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Sai’s life, with a twist.
Title: The Simple Life Plan of Shotaru Shindo
Author: aka_anonymous
Rating: G || Status: Complete
Summary: Though warned by friends, family and co-workers, nothing in his life could have prepared him for what fatherhood entailed, though Shotaru Shindou was certain that things would work out as planned, eventually.
Title: A Curious Visitor
Author: ontogenesis
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: As Touya Kouyou nears the end of his life, he makes an unusual acquaintance. (Companion to The Journey)
Title: The Journey
Author: ontogenesis
Rating: G || Status: Complete
Summary: Touya Kouyou’s quest brings him to a tiny, remote town in China.
Title: Exchanging Territories
Author: murinae
Rating: G || Status: Complete
Summary: The universe was a cruel and unjust place. Tetsuo had conclusive proof of that now. Where else but in a cruel and unjust world would the inter-regional shougi tournament be scheduled in the exact same hotel as the newly established Dragon’s Igo Cup?
Title: Sojourn
Author: murinae
Rating: G || Status: Complete
Summary: When Shindou Hikaru had asked him to come along to Innoshima, it hadn’t been on any special day in particular. It had been merely an ordinary day in August, when the summertime heat was at its worst and the cicadas droned incessantly.
Title: Proof
Author: WhisperingDarkness
Rating: G || Status: Complete
Summary: The first time Hikaru had printed one of Sai’s kifu it was because Sai was making a fuss about one of his opponent’s moves and Hikaru didn’t really have the time to humour the ghost at the moment.
Title: Higher
Author: inoru_no_hoshi
Rating: G || Status: Complete
Summary: “Impressive, isn’t it?” Ogata murmurs; Akira hadn’t even noticed his manager, too busy listening. “His name’s Shindou Hikaru, he’s seventeen, and he’s only here because his vocal coach made him audition.”
Title: Chameleon
Author: troisroyaumes
Rating: G || Status: Complete
Summary: Touya takes an interest in the world of street fashion.