Title: If You’ve a Ready Mind
Author: Maya
Rating: R || Status: Complete
Summary: Draco as a Ravenclaw.
It all happened because Draco was a little distracted that day. Things had not been going well. Father had been very cutting about Draco’s plan to smuggle a racing broom into Hogwarts, Crabbe had sat on his lunch on the train and Harry Potter had turned out to be a rude, insufferable gitface. It was not how Draco had pictured his first day.
It also happened because Draco had a tendency to babble when he was nervous.
So he sat in complete blackness, a stupid threadbare hat covering his eyes and its stupid voice ringing in his ears, and started to talk.
“Malfoy – that’ll be Slytherin, then…”
“Yes, please,” Draco said. “Or Ravenclaw, you know, that wouldn’t be bad either. Not Hufflepuff though, because otherwise I shall instantly transfer to Durmstrang.”
“Ravenclaw.” The Hat paused. “Interesting. Haven’t heard a Malfoy ask for another house for decades.”
“Er,” Draco said. “Actually, on second thoughts, scratch that, Slytherin, please. Just Slytherin, no also-rans, no second guessing. Slytherin!”
“Perhaps it’s time for a little diversity. RAVENCLAW!”
Maya has taken all her fics down since she became a published author.
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