[MCR – Frank/Mikey] coolndarklyeeri – Fireflies in Autumn

Title: Fireflies in Autumn
Author: coolndarklyeeri
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: At fifteen years old, Mikey hates school, doesn’t have any friends, and an older brother he adores away at college. To top it off he’s being bullied constantly by the one boy he likes more than anyone else. But things are not always what they seem and Mikey soon realizes to be careful what he wishes for.

Complete Listing @ cerebralpulsing

My Chemical Slash:
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18A | 18B | 19 | 20A | 20B | 21

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[HP – Gen] Maya – Quality of Mercy

Title: Quality of Mercy
Author: Maya
Rating: R || Status: Complete
Summary: Post-HBP fic.


…“Can I remind you, Ron, that Fleur is shortly to become your sister?” she inquired. “Do you really think that underwear is an appropriate gift for your sister? Would you imagine Ginny in edible underwear?”

Ginny filed a very definite protest at this point, Ron went pale green, and Harry, as the only person present who quite fancied the idea of Ginny in edible underwear, avoided everyone’s eyes and stared steadfastly out the window.

Through the window he saw Draco Malfoy.

Harry thought he was a figment of Harry’s imagination for a moment. The thought of Malfoy had been occurring to him at unexpectedly regular intervals all summer, even through the wretched business of the Dursleys and Godric’s Hollow. The suspicions of a year were hard to shake off and sometimes he woke up in Ron’s room and before he was fully awake, he thought Today I’m going to find out what Malfoy’s up to…

Then he would remember that he had found out, and that Malfoy’s orders had been carried out, and the lingering memory of Malfoy’s ashen face would be replaced with the one unbearable image of Dumbledore going over the battlements…

Maya has taken all her fics down since she became a published author.

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[HP – Harry/Draco] Maya – If You’ve a Ready Mind

Title: If You’ve a Ready Mind
Author: Maya
Rating: R || Status: Complete
Summary: Draco as a Ravenclaw.


It all happened because Draco was a little distracted that day. Things had not been going well. Father had been very cutting about Draco’s plan to smuggle a racing broom into Hogwarts, Crabbe had sat on his lunch on the train and Harry Potter had turned out to be a rude, insufferable gitface. It was not how Draco had pictured his first day.

It also happened because Draco had a tendency to babble when he was nervous.

So he sat in complete blackness, a stupid threadbare hat covering his eyes and its stupid voice ringing in his ears, and started to talk.

“Malfoy – that’ll be Slytherin, then…”

“Yes, please,” Draco said. “Or Ravenclaw, you know, that wouldn’t be bad either. Not Hufflepuff though, because otherwise I shall instantly transfer to Durmstrang.”

“Ravenclaw.” The Hat paused. “Interesting. Haven’t heard a Malfoy ask for another house for decades.”

“Er,” Draco said. “Actually, on second thoughts, scratch that, Slytherin, please. Just Slytherin, no also-rans, no second guessing. Slytherin!”

“Perhaps it’s time for a little diversity. RAVENCLAW!”

Maya has taken all her fics down since she became a published author.

[Continue reading rec…]

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[MCR – Gerard/Frank] Crying Romance – Love Found in a Coma

Title: Love Found in a Coma
Author: Crying Romance
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: Gerard woke up from a coma to discover that everything he felt wasn’t real and it’s tearing him apart. He struggles to remember what really happened, but as the pieces begin to fall in to place, will he be able to get over his love for somebody that his mind created or will he find that his mind, and heart, were right all along?

Note: Sequel to Going Away.

Complete Listing @ xxmiss_you

My Chemical Slash // 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17


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[MCR – Gerard/Frank] Crying Romance – Going Away

Title: Going Away
Author: Crying Romance
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: Gerard’s parents are tired of him always getting in trouble. What happens when they send him to live with his grandpa and he meets Frank?

Complete Listing @ xxmiss_you

My Chemical Slash // 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06A | 06B | 06C | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15

Note: Sequel is Love Found in a Coma.


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