[Hockey RPF – Crosby/Malkin] hazel_3017 – Out of the Woods

Title: Out of the Woods
Author: hazel_3017
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: Patric has already rounded the corner of the hallway leading to the elevators when he stops up short. His eyes grow wide and his jaw drops. Very slowly, he turns on his heels and walks the few steps back to the edge of the corridor. He sneaks a glance around the wall—and yes, that is, in fact, Sid and Geno, making out in broad daylight.


Ughhh, this is so cute. ♥ I love how everyone basically knows, but how they don’t say anything because they’re worried about how Sid would react. But then the +1 was so sweet, I had hearts in my eyes. ♥________♥

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