[Marvel – Steve/Tony] valtyr – Cosmetic Damage Only

Title: Cosmetic Damage Only
Author: valtyr
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: For prompt: Steve/Tony. Tony really likes it when Steve hurts him/uses him/puts marks on him during sex. Steve is worried about Tony’s mental state. Bonus if Steve also feels guilty because the thought really turns him on and that’s wrong because Captain America shouldn’t think that way.


This is adorable. I like how Steve was conflicted about the bruises and how Tony isn’t really phased. ♥


“Steve,” Tony cupped his chin in one hand, and gave him a wet, dirty kiss, finishing with a bite to the lower lip that made his eyes water. “You are so damn innocent that some days I almost feel bad about defiling you. Almost.”

“I feel good about it,” Steve leaned back in, but Tony pushed him back, over to lie on his back.

Oh Steve, why are you so adorable?! ♥♥

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[Marvel - Steve/Tony] valtyr - Cosmetic Damage Only, 8.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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