Title: The Art of Daring
Author: black_goose
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: The others considered this for a few minutes; Heechul was the first to speak. “That’s boring,” she said, and smirked slowly, looking so devilish that Eeteuk moaned in fearful anticipation. “You know what would make it more exciting? If you had to kiss the object of your affection.”
Title: Guilty Pleasure
Author: black_goose
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: United Inc. is the biggest rock act to come out of South Korea. They are new and unique and they’re just sort of riding on their success laughing at the world.
Title: The Fine Art of Sel-Ca
Author: todefinebeauty
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: It’s funny, all things considering, that no one has seen all that many self-taken pictures of Sungmin and Kyuhyun together.
Title: You Can’t Fool Yourself Into Someone Else’s Heart
Author: xdespondence
Rating: R || Status: Complete
Summary: “I don’t think Sungmin’s hot,” Kyuhyun insists. Heechul disagrees. His body disagrees. (And then his heart has to get involved and ruin everything.)
Title: 只有你 (Only You)
Author: xdespondence
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: because that’s the kind of person kyuhyun is: faithful, loyal, eternal.
Title: Forever or Never
Author: xdespondence
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: if being selfish isn’t love, what is? because it isn’t being selfless—being selfless is just another word for being afraid.