Title: Matter & Antimatter
Author: Synchronik
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: Justin lived his life by three basic principles. He wasn’t entirely sure what they were, but he knew they were three of them and if he were forced to articulate them they would probably have been something like: 1) Justin Timberlake is a basketball god who, had he not been destined for fame as an entertainer, would surely have ended up playing professionally, at least for a minor team with an outside shot like the Cavaliers or something, 2) Chris is cool, 3) Lance is the Man, not in the cool “you da man” way, but in a “fight the man” way, representing all that is uncool and uptight, even when Lance himself is being cool and un-uptight.
Matter (Lance’s POV)
Antimatter (Justin’s POV)
Title: A Whole Different Level of Macaroni and Cheese
Author: Synchronik
Rating: R || Status: Complete
Summary: Since it was Justin’s fault the Lance found out his boyfriend was a porn star — even though he was in no way responsible for Lance’s boyfriend actually being a porn star — Justin felt like it was somehow his duty to make it up to Lance. He just wasn’t sure how to do that.
Title: First Love and Other Miscommunications
Author: Sandy
Rating: R || Status: Complete
Summary: Boy meets boy, boy doesn’t like boy, boy likes boy after all, boy loses boy and then maybe, boy gets boy back.
Title: Free Man In Paris
Author: Sandy
Rating: R || Status: Complete
Summary: So this is the “post-sync” world, Justin thinks. Sitting outside hisown hotel room, staring at his cell phone. Justin closes his eyes and prays.
Free Man In Paris
Title: Gratuity
Author: Sola Fiamma
Rating: R || Status: Complete
“Okay, then. I know a guy. He’s very good looking, really discreet and he’s great in bed. And the best thing is, he’ll only cost you–”
“A hooker? Are you out of your freaking mind?” Justin shrieks. “A hooker? A hooker?”
Gratuity @ Juppy.Org
Title: Optimistic
Author: Jae
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: Joey waited until after their drinks had arrived before he broke the news. “So I’m writing a book,” he said.
Optimistic @ Juppy.Org
Title: The Politicos (This Machine Kills Fascists)
Author: phaballa
Rating: R || Status: Complete
Summary: Lance’s job sort of sucks. He answers the phone and schedules tours and chats with the other interns and aides via AIM, and it’s only maybe once a month that he actually gets real work to do, and then it’s just transcribing shit. But at least he gets his name in the Congressional Records, which is sort of cool, except for the part where no one besides political science freaks and university researchers ever even look at those things.
The Politicos (This Machine Kills Fascists) @ Juppy.Org
Title: Making the List
Author: ducks
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: Ever since he was a kid, Justin has made lists.
The first time Justin met Lance, he thought he was ugly. He didn’t say anything of course, but that was the first thing he thought when he and his mother met Lance and his mother at the airport: “but he’s ugly.”
He didn’t say anything because it was horribly superficial, and in all other ways Lance was perfect — perfect voice, perfect attitude, perfect age to bridge the gap between Justin and the others. But he had a weird looking face, odd eyes, brows permanently arched, and privately Justin worried. It wasn’t that he had any problem with ugly people personally. It was the business. It could be very cruel, and Lance might get hurt.
Making the List @ Juppy.Org