[HP – Draco/Harry] 142978 – You Had Me at Hallo

Title: You Had Me at Hallo
Author: 142978
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: You know that story wherein Draco becomes a Muggle recluse after the War, and it’s up to secret-agent!Auror!Harry to bring him back to the Ministry, but they end up falling in love?

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You know, I kind of love these amensia!fics, lol. I feel like there are elements in this one that were very familar to other fics I’ve read. Possibly, I’ve even read this one before and I’m just remember this fic and mushing it with others, since I read so many things. XP

I liked how James/Harry and Draco just get on with each other, and how easy their relationship is. And the guilt that Draco was feeling that Harry didn’t remember..! And then, there was the twist in that there was stuff that Draco didn’t remember as well! And finally, there was the ending, which was sinister, but at the same time, kind of romantic in a twisted way.

The ending did seem a little rushed compared to the pacing in the rest of the fic, but overall, I loved it. *heart*

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