[Glee – Kurt/Blaine] seaouryou – Confidence
Title: Confidence
Author: seaouryou
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Once upon a time, Chris Colfer auditioned for the role of Artie and Darren Criss auditioned for the role of Finn. And then this happened.
01 | 02 | 03 | 04A | 04B | 05A | 05B | 05C | 06A | 06B | 06C | 07A | 07B | 07C | 07D | 08A | 08B | 08C | 08D | 08E | 08F | 08G | 08H | 08I | 08J | 09A | 09B | 09C | 09D | 09E
So I was following this fic from the beginning and I was holding out on reccing it because I generally don’t like to rec WIPs until they’re finished. (And then my thesis project caught up with me and I stopped watching/reading Glee, but I came back because I was thinking of this fic the other day and yay, it’s done!) I’m kinda sad it’s over, but it’s okay because the ride was SO GOOD. ♥ I’ve mentioned it before, but what-ifs with slight changes to canon is probably my favorite type of fic and seaouryou is one of my favorite Glee authors because of that. I love how Blaine and Kurt were still so them even though they had different roles than in canon. I love the way the story evolved and how the relationship between Kurt and Blaine grew. Also, there was a lot of ridiculous pining and flangst which are two of my favorite things in the world. XP
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