[Almost Human – John/Dorian] thegrumblingirl – DRN Protocol #71381: Decision-Making Based on Emotional Responses

Title: DRN Protocol #71381: Decision-Making Based on Emotional Responses
Author: thegrumblingirl
Rating:Status: Complete
Summary: “Do you have anywhere to live?” John asked, following a sudden thought.
Dorian looked about as surprised, his usually open expression shaded with confusion as he turned away from the database hologram.
“I mean, you don’t just stand in a corner of the precinct with your eyes open, waiting for orders, right? You sleep.” The last part, he could utter with conviction, because he’d watched as Dorian had actually fallen asleep during their stake-out last week.


OMG, so cute! ♥ I love how John invites Dorian to stay with him and how Dorian kinda moves in. And then later, when John kinda invites him to move in for real and they are just adorbs.

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