Title: Up With the Birds
Author: oflights
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: “Pens PR wants to pimp us out for charity,” Sidney says when he can finally focus on Geno’s blank look. Geno still looks sweetly confused, and Sidney doesn’t know if it’s the sex, the sleepiness, the English, or some combination of all three, but he doesn’t mind nearly as much as he should. “I really don’t want to be sold off to rich cougars or puck bunnies, Geno.”
“Cougars?” Geno asks, now looking alarmed.
Title: Morning to Wake You
Author: oflights
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: I’ve been calling this The Sexual Misadventures of Sidney Crosby forever, and that gives you an idea, but just in case: in which Sidney wins a gold medal, has sex (a lot), falls in love (twice), and breaks a bunch of rules.
Title: try to map the ocean
Author: oflights
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Geno scowls at him and pointedly Googles can penguins get concussions? while Sidney eats a tuna breakfast. Geno scowls harder when all of the results are about human Sidney’s concussion. (or, the one where Sidney gets turned into a penguin, and Geno’s life is really hard.)
Title: Make This Place Your Home
Author: ChibiRHM
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: Geno feels like the world should look different now, now that he knows both what it’s like to kiss Sid and that he likes it. But the parking lot’s still the same, his car keys are still heavy in his pockets, and the Stanley Cup still isn’t theirs, so maybe nothing has actually changed at all.
For some reason, that seems like an even scarier idea.
Title: First Day of My Life
Author: ChibiRHM
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: The first girl Sid ever falls in love with is named Rachel Forbes. When he first meets her, she’s four weeks old, pink, and squishy-looking. Objectively, she’s kind of ugly, but she’s so tiny when he sees her in the incubator at NICU, and he’s never seen a baby that small.
Title: You By My Side
Author: twentysomething
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: It’s not that no one touches Sid. Granted, most of it is through layers of pads or a helmet or gloves, but he gets touched. Even off the ice, Duper will bump against him, nudge him with an elbow; Flower will lean close on the plane, let their arms touch, solid and comforting. So maybe it’s more accurate to say no one touches Sid like Geno.
Title: Thou and You
Author: twentysomething
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: There’s no way to tell just by looking at someone whether or not they are a magician. Some are more obvious than others, but Evgeni has been introduced to thousands of people since coming to London and he has never been absolutely certain before.
But when Lady Everly says, “Oh, Your Highness, this is Mr. Crosby,” Evgeni knows the man in front of him is a magician.
Title: Des Plus Brillants Exploits
Author: twentysomething
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: “Vancouver!” Sid turns and shouts at the last second as she goes through the doors.
“Vancouver!” Geno yells back.
Title: And Never Been Kissed
Author: The Hoyden & twentysomething
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: Sid didn’t introduce himself in the hallway, and he certainly doesn’t assume that people know who he is. So it would only be polite to thank Malkin again, this time more personally.
He could write him a letter. An email? No, a letter.
Title: Some Other Beginning’s End
Author: turningterrific
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: “So I say, before I’m thinking through, I say am getting married,” Geno says and glances up at Sid and then back down again. “They say to American?” Geno seems reluctant to continue. Sid’s stuck on trying to figure out who Geno is marrying and why he didn’t tell Sid about it. “I say, ‘no, to Canadian.’”
Sid makes a face. Because seriously, Sid feels like he would’ve heard if Geno was dating someone that seriously. But then again, he had no idea Geno had a kid until he was sitting in a hotel room in fucking Finland.
“Who?” Sid finally asks when Geno seems like he’s not going to continue.
Geno takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “You.”
“Me what?” Sid asks stupidly.
The summer Russia invaded Ukraine and Geno had to marry Sid: a love story.
Title: The Limits of the World
Author: turningterrific
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: “So, umm,” Sid says into his phone, suddenly nervous.
“Sid?” Geno’s voice registers surprise.
“Yeah, umm.” Why is this difficult? “I’m here?”
Geno laughs. “Back in Pittsburgh?”
“No.” Sid clears his throat. “I’m– I’m in the Moscow airport.”
Sid decides to spend his summer in Russia.