[Star Trek – Sulu/Chekov] hollycomb – Leitmotif for Three Toy Soldiers
Title: Leitmotif for Three Toy Soldiers
Author: hollycomb
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: AU – Chekov’s parents uproot him from Russia to take jobs at Starfleet’s Academy in San Francisco. Only fifteen, he’s finishing up his senior year in high school when he’s befriended by Jim Kirk, a recent transplant from Iowa. They have little in common, aside from the fact that they’re both infatuated with classmate Hikaru Sulu. Years later, after being battered by the First Klingon War, they all end up together on the bridge of the Enterprise.
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
I really like the dynamic between Kirk, Sulu, and Chekov in this. Their relationship in high school is just so full of feelings, both good and bad. I like how we kinda saw them grow up and get past everything, especially Kirk.
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