[Star Trek – Spock/Kirk] often_adamanta – Untitled Rimming Fic

Title: Untitled Rimming Fic
Author: often_adamanta
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: For prompt: One partner loves to be rimmed but for whatever reason (he thinks it’s unhygienic/gross or he’s afraid his partner will think that or he’s been with someone in the past that told him that it was) he doesn’t tell his partner and they can tell he’s holding back something. Then there’s reassurances and some hot rimming.

AO3 | LJ | Kink Meme

RIMMING! \o/ This was both ridiculously sweet and ridiculously hot at the same time. ♥ I can totally identify with Jim’s feelings on rimming in the first section, lol. It’s so sad how things worked out in his relationships and when it finally got to the Spock section and how he was thinking that he wouldn’t let this get between them, it totally broke my heart a little. But of course Spock is all let’s do this and it was totally the best. *_________*

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