[Star Trek – Sulu/Gaila] igrockspock – Five Times Gaila and Sulu Saved Each Other
Title: Five Times Gaila and Sulu Saved Each Other
Author: igrockspock
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Even tough, independent people need saving once in awhile. Gaila and Sulu save each other from fears and insecurities, tarantulas and Starfleet ration bars, failed simulations and lost promotions. And space pirates. Twice.
OMG, this was so good for me. ♥ Sulu/Gaila is pretty much the pairing I didn’t know I wanted until read igrockspock’s fic, lol. I love the characterization and the way their relationship works in this. It’s sweet and heartbreaking and feels real to me.
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