[Star Trek – Spock/Kirk] jeyhawk – 142 Days

Title: 142 Days
Author: jeyhawk
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Jim’s roommate is a dick. A dick dick. A super-dick.


OMG, so cute!

The thing is, Jim’s not actually sure Spock knows that they’re dating. He goes along with it readily enough and after a few months Spock even started suggesting appropriate outings but they’ve never actually kissed. They’ve held hands a couple of times and Jim spends as much time as he possibly can in Spock’s personal space but every night they go to sleep in their identical regulation beds separated by a six feet gap of empty space that might as well be the Grand Canyon.

♥♥ Seriously, 142 days! Why so adorable?! ♥

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