[The Losers – Cougar/Jensen] NewYorkReload – We Know How it Works

Title: We Know How It Works (The World Is No Longer Mysterious)
Author: NewYorkReload
Rating: R || Status: Complete
Summary: Cougar keeps popping up next to Jensen after that. And much like Jensen’s sudden influx of facial hair, Jensen decides to keep him. (Sequel to We Aspire To Be Reasonably Sane People)


OMG, SO GOOD!!! I just love fics like this, where friendships are built up over time. I love the dynamic between Jensen and the rest of the Losers and, of course, the relationship between Jake and Cougar and how it grows as the story progresses. Seriously, I just had so many feelings, especially how Cougar was kinda like everyone else in the beginning, but how Jensen sharing his food was the thing that made Cougar stop and think about/get to know him. ♥ I just thought it was the cutest that Cougar just follows Jensen around like a stray and falls in love. ♥♥♥

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[The Losers - Cougar/Jensen] NewYorkReload - We Know How it Works, 10.0 out of 10 based on 2 ratings
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