[The Losers – Cougar/Jensen] thefourthvine – This Side of Paradise
Title: This Side of Paradise
Author: thefourthvine
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: “I’m a good boyfriend,” Cougar said.
OMG, so great!!! I loved Jensen’s voice in this and how ridiculously spazzy he is. I kinda died a little in embarrassment, lol. And then there was Cougar and how he was totally cool with being Jensen’s pretend gay boyfriend (because obviously he was already interested, lol). I was kinda dying at Jensen’s tech freakout while packing because of course gay dudes who would be with Cougar wouldn’t know anything about technology, LOLOL. And then the conversation on the plane and how Cougar was all, my hat is a gay hat because I am gay. ♥ Oh Jensen and his denial, lol. I just kinda felt bad for him and his big mouth, LOLOLOL, but thank goodness Cougar is into that. XP And then the movie date in which Jensen didn’t even realize was a date — SO CUTE!! ♥ Basically I was just ridiculously charmed throughout. ♥♥♥
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