[Inception – Arthur/Ariadne] lastandleast – Projection
Title: Projection
Author: lastandleast
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: No caress, no mere sexual act, could be as intimate as sharing a dream.
This was super sweet, lol. I love Ariadne’s projections — they were my favorite part. =)
[Inception - Arthur/Ariadne] lastandleast - Projection,He had seen projections quick to anger and eager to kill. He had seen projections all but oblivious to anything outside of themselves. Up until her, though, he’d never seen a projection read a book. Or busk in the subway, singing dreamy French ballads that somehow managed to echo ghostly through the entire dream. He had certainly never seen cotton-candy vendors in anyone else’s dreams, or projections that set up easels on street corners, where they would spend the whole of their existence painting impressionistic marvels of gleaming cityscapes.
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