[Night Vale – Carlos/Cecil] Margo_Kim – What We’ve Got Here
Title: What We’ve Got Here
Author: Margo_Kim
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Carlos’s reaction to the first date involves a lot more anguished cries than Cecil’s, though to be fair, they’re only anguished cries of “Why did I do that, why did I say that, why am I allowed to interact with other people” so they’re still better than at least eighty percent of Night Vale’s late night wails.
OMG CARLOSSSSSSS!!! ♥_______♥ He is the most adorable and precious thing! I totally understand his feels about saying stupid things, LOLOLOL. Awkward!Carlos is the best! I love his conversation with the deputy and his ridiculous lists and doing science and just everything! SO AMAZING!!! ♥♥♥
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