[Hockey RPF – PKessel/Bozak] Sharpsdontsleep – I want to ride my bicycle (I want to ride it where I like)
Title: I want to ride my bicycle (I want to ride it where I like)
Author: Sharksdontsleep
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Tyler envisions Phil’s non-hockey friends the same way, imagines semi-quiet evenings sitting around, drinking beers and bullshitting.
What he doesn’t imagine is Phil banging his way through the Greater Toronto Area.
I’m all about Phil Kessel, sex god, LOLOL. ♥ I like how Tyler is totally confused in the beginning and goes from being a little envious of Phil with his one-night stands to being a little jealous of them.
What do I gotta do to ride this ride, is what I’m saying?
LOLOL, so perfect. ♥♥
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