[Hockey RPF – Crosby/Malkin] cheesewithmy – Untitled Craigslist Fic

Title: Untitled Craigslist Fic
Author: cheesewithmy
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: For prompt: (i need a date so i’m hiring you off craigslist, please don’t be a serial killer) sounds like something Sid would do. He can’t tell any of the guys because they’ve tried to set him up before and just no, he swore never again, so he’s gonna have to do this on his own because [blank] insisted he bring a date to their wedding. But Sid doesn’t do bars/clubs really and he doesn’t go out much either, so Craigs List sounds like a good option at this point.

Tumblr | Sid’s Ad

OMG THIS FIC!!! *__________* Like, I wish this was a million words long because of reasons, LOLOLOL. I love that Sid posts the ad because he’s drunk and how he wakes up and is too embarrassed to even read the requirements that he posted. And then Geno! Basically, this was amazing. And OMG, dying at Sid’s ad, lololol! So perfect. ♥♥♥

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