[Figure Skating RPF – Evan/Johnny] Anonymous – Overexposure
Title: Overexposure
Author: Anonymous
Rating: NC-17 || Status: WIP
Summary: For prompt: Sex tape leaks. Everyone freaks. They have to go on a damage control press run.
Kink Meme 01-14 | 15-17 | 18-19 | 20-23 | 24-25 | …
UGHHHHHH, SO MANY FEELINGS!!! There’s a reason why I hate/love kink meme fics and it’s because there’s always so many great things that come from them, but also many great things that never get finished. Sadly, this is one of them. ;___________; But oh man, I was SO hooked on this! It’s just so GOOD and I have lots of feelings for Johnny (and Evan) in this and all the crap they have to deal with. I really wish this was complete, but what can you do?
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