[Figure Skating RPF – Evan/Johnny] extemporally – Locker Room Adventures (Aren’t Usually Like This) & Curiouser Things (Have Been Known To Happen)
Title: Locker Room Adventures (Aren’t Usually Like This) & Curiouser Things (Have Been Known To Happen)
Author: extemporally
Rating: R || Status: Complete
Summary: The thing about figure skating is that you’re certain to have bad days.
Locker Room Adventures (Aren’t Usually Like This)
Curiouser Things (Have Been Known To Happen)
Oh man, these boys are so dumb. ♥ It’s just ridiculously cute, in way, how they basically started dating without actually talking about it. ♥ (I mean, it’s slightly dysfunctional too, but it was also totally endearing how stupid they are, so I can ignore that for fic. XP) And the ending, OMG, just adorable. ♥
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