[Figure Skating RPF – Evan/Johnny] harriet_vane – Be One Traveler
Title: Be One Traveler
Author: harriet_vane
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: “If skaters were to spend time with their competitors, pushing competitive feelings aside, they would probably find that they actually have a lot in common. As much as they like to tell the media that they‘re complete opposites, underneath their exteriors Johnny and Evan are more alike than different.” — Jennifer Kirk, Why Skaters Aren’t Friends
Why am I even reading Evan/Johnny fics? I wasn’t even into them in the 2010 Olympics heyday, but I guess watching these Olympics have made me crave figure skating fic (and apparently this stuff is the majority, lol). Anyway, you know waking up in an alternate/parallel universe is totally one of my all-time favorites, so it’s no surprise that I kinda loved this, lol. I kinda wanted to smack Evan in the beginning for being such a douche bro, but he kinda grew on me after a while, especially with how hard he tries, once he’s back in his world, to get somewhere with his Johnny. It was kinda ridiculously cute, if totally kinda creeper/stalker-y, lol. As always with these kinda fics, I really wish we saw what alternate!Evan was up to and how things went down in the alternate/parallel ‘verse after the Evans are back in their respective ‘verses.
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