[HP – Harry/Draco] Maya – Drop Dead Gorgeous

Title: Drop Dead Gorgeous
Author: Maya
Rating: R || Status: Complete
Summary: Veela!Harry fic.


“Of course, my dear boy,” Slughorn told him, beaming. “I realise this may come as a shock to you, but our investigations have been going on for some time, and we’re quite sure. Your mother Lily Evans was not, as we had all previously believed, of pure Muggle stock. One of her ancestors was a Veela.”

Malfoy’s laughter came with renewed vigour from under the table. Harry kicked him in the ribs.

“Look,” he said. “Surely there’s some mistake-”

“Oh no,” Slughorn said genially. “Actually it explains a lot. A pureblood boy like James Potter, prejudiced or not, might well hav ebeen expected to steer clear of a Muggleborn girl. Yet for five years he pursued her, as the saying goes, as if he was a lad on his first trip to Hogsmeade and she was carrying Honeydukes around in her knickers.”

“Because he loved her!” Harry shouted. “And – and who says that, anyway? I don’t say that!”

“Oh yes,” Slughorn said, in a sleek, satisfied sort of way. “He loved her. And Peter Pettigrew loved her, and Sirius Black loved her, and Remus Lupin loved her. And Regulus Black loved her, and I myself yearned for her, and Severus Snape too was possessed by secret passion for the lovely Lily. Don’t you find this list of lovers a little odd? It’s practically a roll call.”

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