[Marvel – Steve/Tony] valtyr – Tomorrow Belongs To Me

Title: Tomorrow Belongs To Me
Author: valtyr
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: Steve wakes up in the 21st Century. He doesn’t think much of it, and it’s dubious about him. He meets a Norse God, joins a superhero team, and feels terribly awkward about the whole momument at Arlington he’s rendered obsolete by not being dead. Meanwhile, Tony is trying to make his mark on history by being the man who finally drove Nick Fury over the edge.


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[Marvel – Steve/Tony] dorcas_gustine – This Time Tomorrow

Title: This Time Tomorrow
Author: dorcas_gustine
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: Tony goes to see Wanda, and suddenly Steve is alive and there are Skrulls! Or maybe Tony is just going crazy. Nothing happens in this fic, until the very end. Seriously. There’s a lot of talking, mostly at inopportune moments, Tony’s views on the acceptable gifts to give people are slightly different from everyone else’s and he spends more time than would seem necessary being (half-)naked. What else is new?

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