[HP – Harry/Draco/Giant Squid] Faith Wood – Giant Squid is a Dirty Slasher
Title: Giant Squid is a Dirty Slasher
Author: Faith Wood
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: All Harry wanted was a peaceful midnight swim. He didn’t want to be disturbed by Malfoy. Or the squid.
I had the urge for tentacle!porn, LOL, and this was the first one that popped into my head! I can’t believe I haven’t rec’d this yet, LOLOLOL! It’s so wrong, but SO GOOD! Seriously, what more can I say when there’s the pairing, the summary, and the words tentacle porn? XP
[06-01-2015]: Added AO3 link.
[HP - Harry/Draco/Giant Squid] Faith Wood - Giant Squid is a Dirty Slasher,
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