[HP – Draco/Harry] Faith Wood – Courage

Title: Courage
Author: Faith Wood
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: “History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.” — Maya Angelou


I really love this characterization of Draco. I love how we see Draco in the past as someone who isn’t strong enough, but wants to be, so much. And then in the aftermath, he’s still trying to be strong and taking risks because he realizes that he can’t take the backseat for the rest of his life. I love how Harry sees Draco and sees his strength and admires it.

He wants someone who’s able to admit they were wrong. It’s something Harry admires because it’s something he can’t really manage himself.

THIS! YES! And how Harry knows that there will be conflicts in the future but realizes that they were both willing to try and how that is all he needs. Seriously, so lovely. *love*

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