[THS/CS – Greta/Vicky-T] softlyforgotten – Hurricane and Fire Survival Guide

Title: Hurricane and Fire Survival Guide
Author: softlyforgotten
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Victoria Asher goes to school, stars in a play, and falls in love.

LJ | AO3

I really liked this, even though Vicky-T was kind of a douche, but she was so real, so I kind of forgive her, lol. I liked her friendship with “her boys” and how they all supported her and I loved Brendon who was so ernest and trying so hard to be Vicky-T’s friend. Also, I loved Brendon with his boyfriends, which was super cute, and how Vicky-T totally mistakened him as a cheater, LOL. The confrontation about that was made of win. XP And then there was the whole Greta thing and I just felt so bad because Greta was trying so hard and Vicky-T was just ignoring her. =( And after their first kissed, how they both cried. =(((( And Brendon yelling at her was total sad-making, but I’m glad it got Vicky-T to get her shit together. The conversation with Ryan was really good, and the scene with at Greta’s house was perfect.

If you’re interested in the Panic! boys’ backstory, check Playing Favorites.

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