[SJ – Kibum/Donghae] meiface – Vanilla is the World’s Most Popular Flavor
Title: Vanilla is the World’s Most Popular Flavor (or, Why You Should Talk to Your Significant Other Before Spicing Up Your Sex Life)
Author: meiface
Rating: R || Status: Complete
Summary: Donghae is afraid his and Kibum’s sex life is too boring, so he does something about it.
DONGHAEEEEEE!!! Why are you so ridiculously adorable?! LOLOLOLOL! ♥♥ I’ve probably read this fic a million times between the time I first discovered it (like, maybe five months ago?) and now (when I finally got around to reccing it, lol). Seriously, Donghae is so charming in this, I had so many hearts in my eyes, LOLOL. It’s so hilarious how Donghae just jumps to conclusions based off one tiny offhand comment and Donghae’s version of information-gathering.
“So I totally heard you and Heechul fucking last night,” he says, flopping onto the couch on top of Hankyung’s feet. Subtle and nonchalant. He’s good.
Hankyung starts and stares at him, expression blank with confusion.
Donghae grins blithely. He is subtle like a ninja, he thinks to himself in triumph.
Donghae is so subtle! ♥♥
Apparently threesomes are the way to go. The new fad. The wave of the future. There will probably be CFs for them soon, filled with cheery models and a catchy tune and lots of bright colors. Everyone wants one!
And then there was the misunderstandings, and Jessica and Minho, and seriously, these boys are so ridiculously in love, it’s so cute! ;_______; Also, the last line! SO MUCH WIN! ♥
[SJ - Kibum/Donghae] meiface - Vanilla is the World's Most Popular Flavor,
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