[SJM – Kyuhyun/ZhouMi] thedayafter – Your Knight In Shining Armor Is Just A Computer Geek
Title: Your Knight In Shining Armor Is Just A Computer Geek
Author: thedayafter
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: (AU) Kyuhyun thinks his new RA is ridiculous.
OMG, MOST ADORABLE! ♥ Everything about this was so ridiculously endearing, I love it. I like how Kyuhyun was totally hiding in his room in the beginning, but how he slowly got to know the rest of his floor with the Friday-bonding and whatnot. Also, Zhou Mi being all grumpy about people bothering him while he’s sleeping (sleep is important!) and always being in studio (I remember those days, lol) and teasing Kyuhyun the entire time.
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