[P!ATD – Ryan/Brendon] softlyforgotten – Sleeping/Dreaming Patterns
Title: Sleeping/Dreaming Patterns
Author: softlyforgotten
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: It was raining when Brendon landed back in the States. AU.
I am kind of in love with this fic, lol. I really liked the characterizations in the fic and the way Ryan and Brendon were together. I liked how Brendon just thought Ryan was weird when he first met him and how awkward he thought staying with Ryan would be, and then seeing how different Ryan from his first impression. I liked how their friendship developed, how it was slow and easy, and the eventual slide to relationship — it was just beautiful, haha. I loved absentminded!Ryan and keeping weird hours and his love for fresh food. The part when they went to farmers? TOTALLY MELT MY HEART, OMG. And his expressions and Brendon trying so hard not to laugh. GAH! And how he just got used to Brendon being around and trying to woo Brendon to stay with the breakfast (OMG CUTE!) and yeah. *heart*
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