[FOB – Patrick/Pete] Zee – Rebel Girl

Title: Rebel Girl
Author: Zee
Rating: NC-17 || Status: Complete
Summary: And Patrick wants to say, see, this is why so many guys are terrified to date you and you have to write emo lyrics about them.

Rebel Girl

Yes, always-a-girl fic! I still love this fic as much as the first time I read it, lol.

The irony of this is, Patrick thinks as he freezes his face in a smile for the cameras, Peyton’s hand gripping his, that five years ago he would have given anything to be in this situation. Would have happily sold his soul to sadistic hell-demons to have Peyton be his girlfriend, even if she was just pretending. And it’s not that his feelings have changed (although he is proud at how much better he’s gotten at repressing), but. Wow, does this suck.

Peyton leans her head on his shoulder and twines her fingers in his, giving the cameras a dreamy smile. And it’s not anything she hasn’t done or doesn’t do normally, but it isn’t *for Patrick* at all, not like this. It’s fake and she doesn’t mean it, and Patrick tries to make himself relax against her. God, it shouldn’t be *hard* to act like he’s in love with someone he’s actually in love with, should it?

GUHHH! Poor Patrick and his emo thoughts! =( He totally brings the angst, yo! And, okay, I kind of love unrequited love angst when it ends in happiness, so this = AWESOME. Love the blow up and the fighting turning into making out turning into wall!sex. YES! XD

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[FOB - Patrick/Pete] Zee – Rebel Girl, 9.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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