[BB – G-Dragon/T.O.P] whetstone – The Big Sleep

Title: The Big Sleep
Author: whetstone
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: one nap and everything changes.


OMG, this is so adorable! *___________* There’s cuddling, sleeping together, and Seunghyun being slightly fail when it comes to realizing his feelings. ♥ NGL, I’m kind of ridiculously charmed by how long they slept together, except for the part when I’m like WTF 60 hours!, LOLOLOLOL. I mean, the longest I’ve ever slept was probably 18 hours? But even then, I would wake up in the middle of it to have a minor freakout over whether I was late to anything (I’m sure you all know that feeling) and then use the restroom before going back to sleep, lol. XP Anyway, that’s all tangential to the fact that is is adorable! Also, squirrels, LOL. And Seungri’s post-it note. XP

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