[BB – Daesung/Hyori] lovelyable – Beautiful

Title: Beautiful
Author: lovelyable
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: daesung shoots for the stars. (you always give me a dream)


OMG MY HEART! ♥__________♥ Daesung’s inner-voice kinda broke my heart a little, but in the this-is-going-to-turn-out-really-romantic way, if that makes sense, LOL.

It’s just all he has, because everything him and Hyori have is imaginary, tied to the chords of a song and over in three minutes after he opens his eyes and becomes just ordinary, ugly Kang Daesung again, Kang Daesung whose only redeeming quality is his voice.

UGHHH, MY HEART! Then there was the last section and their duet is just so romantic, seriously, why so adorable?!

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