[HnG – Gen] Luce Red – Unfolding Fan
Title: Unfolding Fan
Author: Luce Red
Rating: PG || Status: Complete
Summary: More than twenty years later, Touya mopes about his life. Shindou is there. So are his kids.
OMG, this story is so gripping! I was totally into it from the beginning. It’s so weird to think of Hikaru and Akira being actual adults and Hikaru actually having kids. It broke my heart when Hikaru’s kids were kidnapped, and the ridiculous (except not) plan for finding them. Besides that, I really like the relationship between Hikaru and Akira. Because they are OTP, I like to imagine that they end up together in the future. Also, there is this sidestory which supports that and feels like a lovely epilogue to this fic. XP
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