[HnG – AkiHika] Harukami – The Rival
Title: The Rival
Author: Harukami
Rating: R || Status: Complete
Summary: When two pros met at a Go Salon to play casual games against each other it was pretty normal for them to attract a crowd of people who wanted to watch their games; Hikaru was used to it and used to tuning them out. He noted them, of course, recognized when the same people came to watch multiple games and tried to remember to say hi to them, even if he didn’t remember their names.
OMG, Touya’s boyfriend is ridiculously cute, LOL. He’s just so likeable that I was a little worried about how things would work out. Luckily the end of their relationship was natural and wasn’t something I would have hated horribly, lol. And then there was stalker!Shindou who was so ridiculously offensive, but endearing all the same, LOL. I liked that he didn’t really interfere with Touya’s relationship and how he didn’t go all out until after Touya was single. (Although, really, Hikaru? You ask him out right after he tells you they broke up?!) Basically, this was pretty hiliarious and awesome.
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