[HnG – Gen] ontogenesis – The Journey
Title: The Journey
Author: ontogenesis
Rating: G || Status: Complete
Summary: Touya Kouyou’s quest brings him to a tiny, remote town in China.
This is absolutely gorgeous! I really like Touya Kouyo’s voice in this.
“With no handicap, now I cannot play the boy,” Kouyou’s opponent admits as he searches the board for an opening Kouyou knows he will not find.
Because Kouyou is a teacher, he recognizes the sadness in the other man’s voice. Kouyou still remembers the day his own teacher first bowed to him in resignation, his expression one of mingled pride and loss. Kouyou wonders when his turn will come to bow to his own son.
Kouyou has been playing go almost his entire life, and not once has he believed that he could tell another if go is the correct path for him — not even his own son. The path to the Hand of God is lonely and uncertain, and the players with talent are not always the ones who succeed.
What Kouyou does know is himself. He holds stones between his fingers and he creates the universe with his mind. He plays go because he exists, and he exists because he plays go.
(Companion piece: A Curious Visitor)
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