[HnG – AkiHika] very – Cheiromancer

Title: Cheiromancer
Author: very
Rating: PG-13 || Status: Complete
Summary: Five years later, Touya takes his hand.


This was so intense and awesome. ♥ But NGL, I was pretty much 99% horrified during their confrontation (even though it was ridiculously amazing) because I couldn’t forget (like they did) that everyone was watching! Seriously, I was kind of dying inside, LOLOLOL. XP But yeah, when Hikaru said they would be playing their hundredth game the next day, I was like, OMG you obsessive freak, LOL, they are so meant for each other! ♥ (And I was thinking about how Akira probably has a higher count than Hikaru and then it actually came up later and seriously, so perfect!) Basically, these boys are totally obsessed with each other and that’s just how I like it. XP

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