[GW – 4×3, 1×2] Lys ap Adin – Stars Know All
Title: Stars Know All ‘verse
Author: Lys ap Adin
Rating: PG-13 / R || Status: Complete
Summary: Quatre has a problem.
Of Wizards and Warriors AO3 | GWA
Stars Know All AO3 | GWA
This is so old, but still one of my favorites. ♥ I just really love this ‘verse — I’m such a sucker for these kind of fantasy betrothal fics, lol. (It also helps that it has two different takes on this trope, both of which I’m a fan of. XP) I really like Quatre’s voice in Of Wizards and Warriors and how the relationship between Heero and Duo developed. And then there’s the main fic with Quatre going off to meet his betroth in disguise and seriously, all the feelings, lol. Quatre and Trowa are just so sweet together and the misunderstandings between them is so ridiculously heart-clenching and I just love them both to pieces.
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